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Contribution Guidelines

This document is for beta testers, students, and anyone who wishes to submit corrections, updates, or suggested additions to the Data Engineering Bootcamp repository.

Small Contributions:

Use the GitHub Issue Tracker

If you have small, isolated corrections (typos, fixing links, etc.) the best way to submit them is through the GitHub Issue Tracker.

Github has a simple ticketing system when you had submit a "Tickets" (something that needs to fixed/edited) for that repo. These tickets will go in a que where they can be sorted/prioritized/worked on accordingly.

GitHub Issue Tracker instructions
1. Click the "Issues" tab of the repository on

2. Click the green "New Issue" button

Fill out the following:
1. Title: "directory issue is in" - "few word description"
2. Issue: description of the issue or what needs to be addressed
3. Line(s): Say what lines of code are involved. (Makes easier to find)
4. Github directory link: Copy and paste the weblink of the
5. A screen shot of the issue can also be included. (It will auto format if you paste picture/screen shot)
4. The "Preview" tab will show what the ticket will look like
5. Click green "Submit new issue" when ready

More Substantive Contributions:

Submit a Pull Request for review

Pull requests can be used for more substantive contributions (from beta testers in particular).

  1. You will make a new branch (a beta branch) off the data-engineering-bootcamp
  2. Make the changes/edits/suggestions
  3. Then submit a pull request to be reviewed by the admits
    • The admits might reach our if they have any questions
Steps to submit a Pull Request using the Terminal

1. Clone repo

  1. In the directory where you wish the project folder to live, do:

    git clone
    cd data-engineering-bootcamp

2. Create a new branch and switch to it

  • It is almost never advisable for contributors to make edits directly to the main branch. Instead, create a new working branch based on main, and call it something like ch2-beta-alice, so that it is clear who the branch belongs to and what material it covers.
  1. First, make sure that you pull the changes from the remote repo into your local, so it is up to date. Then you can create and check out your new branch:

    git pull
    git checkout -b ch2-beta-alice
  • Replace ch2-beta-alice with your own new branch name. The -b flag specifies to create a new branch; if you have already done this, you can simply do git checkout ch2-beta-alice to switch to your working branch.

3. Make your local changes

  1. Make your corrections and suggestions locally, using whatever IDE or editor you prefer.

4. Check status and stage changes

git status

You will see a status message indicating what files you have changed: Git status message

Then, to stage a changed file for commit, do:

git add <file>

or, to stage all files:

git add .

When using git add . it is always a good idea to inspect the file list to make sure that you are only adding files that need to be updated. For example, on Mac OS, the .DS_Store files often accidentally make their way into commits. In the case of commonly occurring files such as this, you might want to add the filename to your .gitignore file so that you do not have to manually stash the file every time you do a commit.

You will see that the status has changed: Git staged files

Once your changes are staged, you can commit them

5. Commit your changes

git commit -m "commit message briefly explaining changes"

6. Push from local to the remote working branch

Finally, push your changes from your local repo to the remote

Push from your local to the remote working branch

git push

7. Submit a pull request for review

  • When you have finished your contributions for that episode or chapter, submit a pull request for review Submit pull request on GitHub

The repository admins will review your pull request and let you know if further changes or needed, or otherwise will merge your changes into the main repo.

Steps to submit a Pull Request using VS Code

VS Code

VS Code includes support for Git without installing extensions. First, add your project folder to the workspace, from the File menu, or by right clicking in the source control pane. You will see the repository appear under 'Source Control Repositories:

VSCode Git extension

First, make sure that you are on the correct branch (the branch menu is in the bottom-left corner):

VSCode Git extension

If you need to create a branch, clicking the branch icon will bring up a menu - select 'Create New Branch'

When you make changes to files, you will see the changes (not yet staged) in the source control browser:

VSCode Git extension

To stage your changes, select the changed files, right-click, and select 'Stage changes'. You will see the status update to reflect the stages:

VSCode Git extension

Click the check box, or press Ctrl+Enter (⌘+Enter on a Mac), and enter a commit message. Your changes have been committed, but still need to be pushed to the remote repository. Hit the green 'Sync changes' button:

VSCode Git extension

VSCode will pull recent changes, and push your changes to the remote repository. Go to GitHub to submit a pull request.